
Nature gems in the city

With the arrival of spring, I’ve ventured out into the sun, exploring my new, bigger, home city.

It has been an absolute treat to discover several natural treasures close by, something I wasn’t even aware of when I moved into my little flat 6 months ago!

At heart, I am still a country girl, so it was a delight to discover a huge meadow on a hill, only a few hundred meters away (just across the street, really). A meadow that already shows the first sproutings of what looks like a promising plethora of wildflowers to pop through the soil, soon.

Gorgeous view from the hilltop

Right after this lovely meadow comes a small forest of tall old beech trees, where the forest floor now blooms in a carpet of colorful spring flowers.

And that’s not all: only a little over a mile away is a huge chalk-excavation-turned-lake where ducks and other birds dabble in the beautiful turquoise water, and there’s a cozy gravel path all along the edge. A small piece of wildlife, so close to where I live: some stunning vistas, for sure!

I’m pleasantly surprised:)

About Mona

Author, artist & blogger
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