
New release!

New poetry book (4,25 x 7) titled: “As Night Fades into Light: Poetic Ponderings”. A collection of 40+ poems & affirmations that arose out of a Dark Night of the Soul and the ensuing arrival on the shores of new, deeper awareness. It has a few added blank pages throughout, inviting the reader to note down their own reflections. Paperback + e-book out in September 2022.

Find it at most online bookstores under author Mona Kristensen. N.B. Amazon currently only has the paperback version.


Direct e-book:https://www.chapters.indigo.ca/en-ca/books/as-night-fades-into-light/9788797410707-item.html

Back cover paperback
“All I ever Wanted” – One of the poems from the book. (the background here is an altered illustration, credit to the amazing artist Lisa Aisato)

About Mona

Author, artist & blogger
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