
My idea of heaven

I have a dream of living in this wild, serene and idyllic spot in nature; somewhere completely peaceful and with no neighbors in sight. Instead, there are evergreen pine and spruce trees behind a small wooden house and in front of it a natural, wild plot with heather and wild roses; perhaps a couple of fruit trees. Then comes a wonderful…

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On positive & precise mirroring

I’ve been a keen reader from early childhood, even been ridiculed for it from time to time..but I honestly wouldn’t be where I am today, self-acceptance-wise, without a lot of “teachers, therapists and friends” in the form of important books from different authors: Elaine N. Aron with her book “The Highly Sensitive Person” of course being a major one. There was a…

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Why it’s important to share.

 So, this is my very first post as a blogger! Writing a blog is something I’ve been wanting to do for years since I naturally reflect deeply and love writing as a means to get to the heart of the matter. But as a highly sensitive introvert and a cautious and somewhat self-doubting person (as well as the Queen of…

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