
Christmas already?

Oh, my – how time flies.. 2017 has flown by in the blink of an eye, and I haven’t been posting on this blog as often as intended. Instead, I’ve been writing, editing and drawing illustrations for my book = other means of expression. I just submitted my book to Hay House’s (publishing house) contest for participants of their online writer’s…

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Weaving things together

I’m weaving the storyline of my novel together these days. It is really starting to take shape and has some of my illustrations throughout:15 to 20, I think; some old and some new. It’s written in English since it somehow feels easier for me to express certain things in English. The title is: “What’s the Matter with Maria?” and this summer, I’ve…

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Drive or lack thereof

What is the deepest driving force in your life? Have you ever asked yourself this existential question? Done some soul searching to find the perhaps not so obvious reasons behind what drives you. The thing working at the core level within you, motivating or maybe pushing you to get out of bed each morning, sometimes excited to start the new…

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Sweet nostalgia

I went for a walk down memory lane the other day; went to Aalborg and visited some places from my past. It was especially fun to see my old Art School again: a small but incredibly charming place. Can’t believe it’s almost 20 years ago I attended classes there! Oh my, how time flies…Aalborg is a great city; cultural and very cozy,…

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Spring cleaning

I like dream analyzing, have for years, and I find a well of wisdom in it once you crack the code to the particular language of your subconscious. A few months ago I dreamt that I cut out all labels at the neck of my sweaters. Later in the dream, I was unable to start my old (scrapped) car, parked down…

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The long journey home

 I ponder a lot about the concept “home” these days. To own a home or more precisely; to feel at home. There’s this tv documentary series running on danish television at the moment. We follow a homeless man Henning and his cute dog companion Felix, biking all around Denmark in summer. He meets all kinds of people on his journey. Along the…

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Writing a tale of childhood

Still writing these days; it feels very therapeutic to scribble small stories down like this. Inspiration is a must. Ideas and insights always come to me whenever they happen to do, in their own time. It can’t be forced with this kind of creative or artistic oriented work: work from your Heart & Soul. Well, I knew that already… I’ve been writing since I…

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Useful vs wasted fruits

This summer has been tough on me. Like everybody else I have something inside; call it Soul or true nature. And it speaks louder and louder the older I get. Starting out it was but a whisper. By now, it is a relentless force, almost. It has now become various strong feelings of discomfort whenever I do something out of…

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About proper placement

I was hit by a sudden insight today. You see; I’ve got a couple of pretty plants in my kitchen windows, this summer. I don’t know their name, but they have grown big and a bit lanky in all directions, but also very delicate with “clouds” of pale pink flowers. Benefiting from a lot of direct sunlight and summer warmth…

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My body is my teacher

I went to the doctor’s office this week and it was unsettling.  In the last couple of years my energy level has plummeted drastically, and a variety of different and diffuse symptoms has arrived, including some weight loss. At first I thought it was because my digestive system was out of whack; I got it checked thoroughly + had blood…

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