Intuition and emotions have been guiding me all of my life. Even if I have sometimes tried to hide it behind rational reasoning because that somehow sounded more mature or respectable. But I am an INFP type to a T – cannot change it and will no longer attempt to even if I’ve often wished I was one of the logical and practical sorts who seem to get by a little easier in the world. I realize, that I’m the one who first, before anybody else, must appreciate my particular traits and characteristics.
One downside, though, is how scatter-minded and easily overwhelmed I get, even more so after Chronic Fatigue came along. My mind jumps fast from one thing to the next and then gets hazy, and I lose track of where I was going. It keeps coming up with ideas for tweaking or adding to the story and probably will continue to do so even after it’s published. I wonder if it’ll stop at one point or it’s just what writing a novel does to you?
There’s so much to consider: the layout, colors, style and fonts for the cover design. I’ve downloaded different fonts (crazy how many there are to choose between!) and am also watching YouTube videos from experts and more or less experienced laypeople on how to do almost everything yourself and still have your book look professional. The best videos, though, are those where the indie author unpacks the first print copy of their book: it must feel amazing to see and touch your creation in physical form for the first time!
While I am forever grateful for all the free tips (especially on technical details) one can find out there on the vast and generous, but also increasingly befuddling and bewildering internet. I realize how easy it would be to lose track of my own unique ideas and natural inclinations. When it comes down to it, I would rather the book has a few human flaws and quirks (like myself…)) than have it look totally mainstream and shiny, signaling perfection or slick professionalism. Besides how in that case, it would, in fact, contradict the whole message of the story.
I guess it is all about balance: be open to receive advice from others who have already done some trial and errors and with gratitude let them help you avoid the worst mistakes, but always listen mostly to your own intuition. Let your own inner guidance have the final say.
The illustration I made for the cover is childlike like the narration of the novel because more than anything it’s about healing the Wonder child within or the authentic self. I think it is suitable for age 10 and up but really hope adults will find the story relatable and maybe feel touched by it, too. How come there’s no category on Amazon called: “Inner child in adults”? :o)
I made a last-minute illustration for the novel today, inspired by how nature seems confused at the moment after some warm days in October: recently I came across a hawthorn bush in bloom!