
My idea of heaven

I have a dream of living in this wild, serene and idyllic spot in nature; somewhere completely peaceful and with no neighbors in sight. Instead, there are evergreen pine and spruce trees behind a small wooden house and in front of it a natural, wild plot with heather and wild roses; perhaps a couple of fruit trees. Then comes a wonderful view over a fragrant and lush meadow with an abundance of wildflowers and on the horizon, you glimpse shimmering water.  The energy emanating from nature in all its beauty slowly but steadily seeps in and replenishes my body’s energy resources: re-ignites my life force and zest for life once again! 

This place is a treasured vision. I know precisely how the house looks: it is small (not too much maintenance), very cozy (or “hyggelig” as we say in Danish:)), friendly and light and have lots of sunlight coming through big windows and skylights, wooden pine floors, a wood stove, lots of nooks in and around the house; you can always find a spot in the sun:) 

Most of all I know exactly how it feels to live here.

In this place, I feel totally safe, totally free and in a state of pure bliss. Here, I live and breathe in tune with nature’s rhythms and honor the organic flow of body and soul: no time clocks, no stress and no pressure from external “forces”. 

I have a simple everyday life, filled with creative projects and all kinds of artistic expressions: writing, painting, singing etc. when I feel inspired to do so or I perhaps have an interesting and fulfilling assignment. This is how I earn a living. Fortunately, I don’t need a big income, since my living costs are purposely set low. 
 There is a big city not too far away, and I get to have the best of both worlds: a quiet and contemplative country life while enjoying the city’s endless possibilities. I have my sweet dog companion by my side, and my dear Beloved, who is also a sensitive soul, visits me often; he, too, is artistic or musically inclined. Sometimes, I get together with family or lovely, like-minded creatives to have fun and dive into co-creative passion projects! 

I finally thrive fully and there’s a sense of peace, gratitude and loving presence in me. I live a simple, slow and poetic life with all my senses open to the beauty of life. Yes, this is exactly how I dream of living!

Maybe this scenario is my idea of a heavenly state of being?

While I figure out exactly how to bring this personal idea of heaven down to earth, I’m lucky to have a small forest by the fjord nearby where I live, going for walks (the other day I found a lot of Lilies of the Valley with the sweetest scent) and having picnics in a lovely meadow, too.

It is good to remember all you already have to be grateful for, as you carefully and persistently create something even closer to your heart!

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About Mona

Author, artist & blogger
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