I’ve been a keen reader from early childhood, even been ridiculed for it from time to time..but I honestly wouldn’t be where I am today, self-acceptance-wise, without a lot of “teachers, therapists and friends” in the form of important books from different authors: Elaine N. Aron with her book “The Highly Sensitive Person” of course being a major one.
There was a subconscious search going on for a positive reframing of my most authentic and sensitive core self. I was not fully aware that this search was going on though; not until my late twenties.
Finding such important “mirrors” has been a precious gift. In a precise and clear way, they reflected unnoticed, ignored, unappreciated or scorned parts or traits back to me and made me see them in a new, more positive light. Slow and steady, I integrated supportive, loving and wise words and viewpoints into my own vocabulary and way of thinking, replacing or repairing my former perception and understanding of myself: a sure sign of poignant words hitting a core wound was (and is) when tears start flowing…
Creating an inner “support team” in this way has been of immense value to me. I can’t begin to describe how helpful it has been to discover just the right book and occasionally, piece of music, at just the right time. Perfectly suited words and voices that made me feel like my seen as less worthy traits and the way I experience the world, were in fact understood, valid and shared by someone else in the world.
I personally believe that so many maladies stem from when unwelcome traits and energies get repressed and go “underground” into the shadow of your psyche, where it potentially creates disturbances and even disease. Better, if these had been seen, accepted and allowed or preferably loved as important and necessary for you to be a healthy, balanced human being.
We need “mirrors” outside ourselves in order to see ourselves completely and precisely. Without them, we are in danger of being stunted in our growth. Luckily Life itself will generously offer us what we need along the way if we are open to it; at least that has been my experience so far.
In my opinion, the biggest benefit of all types of (artistic) expression is how we can serve as reflections for each other. And in doing so reveal our deep interconnectedness.