I am happy to be back after a few months, due to a challenge in my life. When a crisis occurs, it always takes me such a long time to process it emotionally; to finally come to terms with it and move on. It’s like I am not ready to face the world again until I have made some sense of things.
This is the biggest downside of being both sensitive and introverted, I think; to lose sleep often and easily, not to mention engaging in a lot of ruminating in order to process difficult situations, before making peace with it and perhaps even find some kind of meaning in it. I have a strong need for a sense of meaning in (my) life!
“Sometimes the fastest way to get there is to go slow” is a line from a song by the wonderful Danish singer/songwriter Tina Dickow. I sure hope there is some truth in those words because I often feel I must be the slowest progressing person in this ever faster moving world.
Besides being slow to get over the “negative stuff”, I’ve often had dreams, insights or ideas, but then turning and twisting them in my mind, forever doubting myself and trying to prevent myself from making mistakes.
The hesitation once in a while meant that I later on with a bittersweet feeling saw someone else doing something similar to my idea/dream “out there in the world”. On the positive side, it reveals that we humans might very well think we are completely separate and unique individuals, but as these experiences clearly show: there’s, in fact, something operating below the surface; something known as the collective consciousness. Not being part of or influenced by this underlying realm, is impossible.
It’s just that someone else had the necessary resources (inner and outer) to follow through on the idea. A way of reframing such experiences is to view it as validation instead of a situation of loss or lack; your ideas, dreams or visions are part of the evolution of the greater whole: you are always and intimately connected with other human beings in this world.
Quite comforting and reassuring, isn’t it?
So if you have this experience, try to think of it this way: we are all part of the collective consciousness and in a certain sense; nothing is ever lost. In a way, we are constantly creating together, even if your contribution is occurring “behind the scenes”.
This being said dear fellow Sensitive/Introvert: please try to muster up the courage to get your art, ideas, visions, wisdom and insights out of the closet and in front of other people’s eyes more often, because the bigger the choir, the more we can ignite, inspire, heal and enlighten each other!